Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update in the truest sense yet-

I'm back into life in Chapel Hill. This is quick, because I have to do it for training for crusade. Currently, I'm in the health sciences library with supporter Ashley Harris Beecham who I'm profoundly fond of along with her husband Gary. She's majoring in Biostatistics at UNC grad school. I am pretending to also be a biostat/stat student for the time I'm here. I felt a gradual mood shift when I started the process though and so I had to reaffirm my real identity by writing this blog.

I'm just really desiring to be faithful to my calling and ministry here. I want to do this well and also, I have to resume writing novel/short story endeavors. I think it's a matter of being obedient and being a good steward of my resources.

For Crusade:
When students don't respond like I hoped for...I tend to first think I didn't do something well. I am realizing though that everyone is just human and I'm thankful for that. People can't be controlled and I never want to be a manager of others. I am relaxing and praising the Lord for the fruit that comes and will come with letting Him live through me. I can't do so much that Jesus can- Right Andy?

When I look at my staff account balance and contributions, I feel a mixture of relief and questions about next year and reinterning. I'm thankful so many people have been so faithful to this vision and mission.

Okay, That's all for right now. I'll have more interesting musings later on. For instance: Are black rasberries, like on my handsoap label, really just blackberries? Also, more to come in terms of Ruth Moose and my desperate love for the awesomeness that is her.